
In Quebec, environmental protection is a core concern for the maritime industry. Strict measures are in place to minimize the environmental impact of maritime activities, notably by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and preserving marine biodiversity. Research and innovation initiatives aim to develop cleaner technologies and promote sustainable practices.

Baie des Escoumins

Decarbonization working group

Committed to a proactive approach, the St.Lawrence Economic Development Council is an active participant in the working group on decarbonization of the maritime industry, created at the Forum de concertation sur le transport maritime. Its involvement consists of supporting and assisting the Quebec government in the development of tools aimed at achieving the maritime sector’s decarbonization objectives.

In collaboration with other industry players, the Company is helping to take stock of current efforts, analyze the actions required to meet IMO standards, review relevant government programs, and propose concrete measures to foster the transition to more sustainable energy sources.

Canadian Marine Advisory Council

The St.Lawrence Economic Development Council (Sodes) is actively involved in the Canadian Marine Advisory Committee (CMAC), which represents parties interested in shipping, navigation and marine pollution concerns. CCMC advises the government on maritime safety and security issues and opportunities, publishing annual reports based on its findings.

Five regional CCMC meetings are held in the Pacific, Ontario, Quebec, Atlantic, Prairie and Northern regions. The national CCMC meeting is held in Ottawa, and is divided into national committees and working groups, in which Sodes plays an active role.

Green Alliance St. Lawrence Advisory Committee

Green Marine’s St. Lawrence Environment Committee aims to provide feedback and strategic advice to improve the program and develop new environmental performance indicators. Made up of experts and stakeholders from the maritime industry, the committee focuses on developing best practices and implementing innovative solutions to reduce the environmental impact of maritime activities on the St. Lawrence.

Comité de concertation navigation (CCN) and sub-committees

The National Advisory Committee (NAC) was created as part of the St. Lawrence Action Plan, a partnership between the federal government and the province. Comprising 25 members from the marine industry, recreational boating, environmental groups and provincial and federal government departments, the SCC plays a crucial role in the sustainable management of the St. Lawrence.

Sodes is an active participant in the SCC and its various working groups, including :

  • The Ship Speed and Shoreline Erosion Working Group.
  • The Working Group on Shipping and Marine Mammal Protection (G2T3M).
  • The Working Group on the maritime transport of hydrocarbons.

The CCN’s work culminated in the publication of the Sustainable Navigation Strategy (SND) in 2004, with a second edition in 2015. This strategy aims to adapt commercial shipping and pleasure boating management practices to the imperatives of sustainability, focusing on three main areas: reducing environmental impacts, promoting the economic viability of maritime transport and harmonizing social uses.

Atlantic right whale working group

Reporting to the Comité de concertation navigation, the Atlantic right whale working group, made up of members representing shipping, governments, the research community and environmental organizations, has come up with a crucial solution to reduce right whale mortality due to ship strikes. The group’s efforts led to the introduction of speed limitation measures for vessels over 20 meters in the Gulf of St. Lawrence during the summer of 2017.


Strategic positioning of the Saint-Laurent

Maritime and logistics infrastructures



Optimizing shipbuilding

Social acceptance and community relations