Maritime and logistics infrastructures

In Québec, maritime and logistics infrastructures play a key role in economic development and international trade. With its extensive network of ports and terminals, Québec offers modern facilities for cargo loading, unloading and transiting.

These infrastructures are strategically located along the St. Lawrence River, facilitating shipping to national and international markets. In addition, ongoing investments modernize and optimize these facilities, strengthening Québec’s competitiveness on the world stage.


Maritime Industry Forum

Established in 2001 by the Québec government and maritime industry, the Marine Industry Forum is a permanent Québec maritime-industry development and consensus-building body.

The Forum’s many objectives range from enhancing Québec logistics chain effectiveness to consulting key partners on maritime transport issues. It also aims to promote joint efforts to support the safe, sustainable development of maritime transport, rally the maritime industry to enact strategic measures and recommend actions to strengthen the Québec maritime industry’s national and international standing. Finally, the Forum seeks to strengthen ties between the Québec government and key Québec maritime-industry players.

The Forum is composed of 18 members representing the following sectors :

  • Canadian port authorities
  • Domestic shipowners/operators
  • International shipowners/operators
  • Shippers
  • Training and human resources
  • Workers
  • Regional ports
  • Environment sector
  • Services and related activities
  • Lawrence tourism
  • Rail transport
  • Short sea shipping
  • Road transport.

Table québécoise du corridor économique intelligent (Québec roundtable on the smart economic corridor)

On November 16, 2021, the Ministère des Transports et de la Mobilité durable (Ministry of transport and sustainable mobility – MTMD) organized a virtual forum on the theme “Smart economic corridor: linked to our ambitions” to bring together players from the maritime, logistics, environment, research and innovation sectors, and MTMD representatives. The aim was to define future areas of intervention and promote dialogue on the smart economic corridor project. Following this exercise, a multipartite governance structure, the Québec roundtable on the smart economic corridor,  co-chaired by the MTMD and SODES, was created. This roundtable, with its diverse membership, seeks to implement the smart economic corridor.

In the Québec government’s vision for 2035, thanks to digital technologies, maritime and logistics industry operations will be efficient, intelligent and environment-friendly, strengthening Québec’s economic position while reducing its carbon footprint. In phase 1 (up to 2025), players will define strategic orientations, launch technological projects to promote a culture of innovation and use data via a platform for exchange in the context of the smart economic corridor.

Marine Advisory Board (MAB)

SODES coordinates the Marine Advisory Board (MAB) – Québec region, which groups together representatives from the St. Lawrence maritime industry and the Canadian Coast Guard (CCG). The MAB ensures information exchange between these two players on the marine services provided by the CCG, enabling both to have a better understanding of each other’s realities and respective positions on issues of common interest.

The three main files monitored by the MAB are as follows :



The MAB supported CCG funding requests for a plan to renew the icebreaker fleet serving the St. Lawrence. Fleet aging is a key concern, given potential threats to transport system effectiveness in the winter. SODES deems fleet renewal plan funding to be essential to succeed in replacing certain aging Coast Guard vessels. Fleet renewal should entail the acquisition of new units, according to a pre-defined schedule, rather than constantly prolonging existing units’ service life.


SODES is participating in phase 2 of the St. Lawrence’s e-navigation project, which seeks to identify and adapt technologies designed to optimize use of the seaway for commercial navigation in the St. Lawrence.


SODES coordinates the Marine Advisory Board subcommittee on St. Lawrence ship channel maintenance dredging. This subcommittee allows CCG representatives to inform their industry counterparts about maintenance dredging activities in the ship channel. The maritime industry pays almost all St. Lawrence maintenance dredging costs.

St. Lawrence’s strategic positioning

Maritime and logistics infrastructures


Human resources

Shipbuilding optimization

Social acceptance and community relations

Marie-France Daoust

Marie-France Daoust is Director of Corporate Affairs at the St.Lawrence Economic Development Council. With more than 15 years’ experience in entrepreneurship, 10 years in strategic management within the Quebec government and 5 years in public and government affairs, she stands out for her leadership and ability to bring people together. In her role, she is responsible for developing business growth strategy, forging strategic partnerships, and mobilizing maritime organizations around today’s major issues.