One of the central projects developed as part of the Delivered by Ship – Merci mon fleuve! campaign consists of three waves of publicity posters. The aim of these actions is to make Quebecers aware that the vast majority of goods they use every day are transported by ship. The visuals developed for the posters depict everyday objects such as cell phones, bicycles and fruit, which, as many people are unaware, are shipped to us from abroad.
Road signs
For the 1st wave, deployed in October 2014, posters were placed along key road arteries in Quebec City and Montreal, at the entrances to the Champlain and Jacques-Cartier bridges in Montreal, and on Highway 20, east of Exit 314, in the Capitale-Nationale region.
For the 2nd wave of posters, in spring 2015, the same visual was affixed to buses belonging to public transport companies in Quebec City, Trois-Rivières and Saguenay. A total of 73 buses flew the flag for the maritime industry promotion campaign, 50 in Quebec City, 13 in Saguenay and 10 in Trois-Rivières. This billboard project therefore extended the reach of the promotional campaign to the general public and, more specifically, to motorists in congested urban areas.
Télé-Québec and Newad
For the 3rd wave, new visuals have been developed to adapt to new poster locations. Posters were used during September and October 2016 on Facebook and on billboards in restaurant washrooms, in store fitting rooms and on university campuses across Quebec (Newad poster network). At the same time, a video ad was broadcast on Télé-Québec’s channel, website and mobile application to maximize reach and further engage the offensive’s target audiences.