Maritime and logistics infrastructures

In Quebec, maritime and logistics infrastructures play a crucial role in economic development and international trade. With its extensive network of ports and terminals, Quebec offers modern facilities for loading, unloading and transiting goods.

These infrastructures are strategically located along the St. Lawrence River, facilitating shipping to national and international markets. In addition, ongoing investments are being made to modernize and optimize these facilities, strengthening Quebec’s competitiveness on the world stage.


Forum de concertation sur le transport maritime

The Forum de concertation sur le transport maritime, established in 2001 by the Quebec government and the maritime industry, is a permanent consultation and development body for the Quebec maritime industry.

The Forum’s objectives are manifold, ranging from improving the efficiency of Quebec logistics chains to consulting key partners on shipping issues. It also aims to promote concerted action to support the sustainable and safe development of maritime transport, mobilize the maritime industry to implement strategic measures, and recommend actions to strengthen the positioning of the Québec maritime industry on the national and international scenes. Finally, it aims to strengthen ties between the Quebec government and key players in the Quebec maritime industry.

The Forum is made up of a maximum of eighteen members representing the following sectors:

  • Canada Port Authorities;
  • Domestic shipowners;
  • International shipowners;
  • Shippers;
  • Training and manpower;
  • Working environment;
  • Regional ports;
  • Environmental sector;
  • Services and related activities;
  • River tourism;
  • Rail transport;
  • Short sea shipping;
  • Road transport.

Table québécoise du corridor économique intelligent

On November 16, 2021, the Ministry organized a virtual forum on the theme “Smart economic corridor: connected to our ambitions”, bringing together players from the maritime, logistics, environmental, research and innovation fields, as well as ministerial representatives. The aim was to define future areas of intervention and promote dialogue around the Smart Economic Corridor project. Following this exercise, a multi-stakeholder governance structure, the Table québécoise du corridor économique intelligent, was created, co-chaired by the Ministry and the St.Lawrence Economic Development Council. This table, made up of various members, aims to implement the Smart Economic Corridor.

In the long-term vision for 2035, thanks to digital technologies, the maritime and logistics industry will benefit from efficient, intelligent and environmentally-friendly operations, strengthening Quebec’s economic position while reducing its carbon footprint. For the first phase up to 2025, the players will define strategic orientations and launch technological projects to promote a culture of innovation and enhance the value of data via an exchange platform as part of the intelligent economic corridor.

Groupe conseil maritime (GCM)

Sodes coordinates the Groupe conseil maritime (GCM) for the Quebec region. This group brings together representatives of the St. Lawrence maritime industry and the Canadian Coast Guard. The Marine Advisory Group ensures the exchange of information between the marine industry and the Coast Guard concerning the marine services provided by the latter. This enables Coast Guard and industry representatives to gain a better understanding of the respective realities and positions of both parties on issues of common interest.

The 3 main projects monitored by GCM conseil are listed below.



The CMG supported the Canadian Coast Guard’s request for funding for a plan to renew the fleet of icebreakers serving the St. Lawrence. The ageing of this fleet is a major concern, given the possible risks to the efficiency of the transport system during the winter period. Sodes believes that funding for a fleet renewal plan is essential to enable the replacement of some of the Coast Guard’s aging vessels. This renewal should be achieved by acquiring new units, according to a pre-defined schedule, rather than by constantly extending the useful life of existing units.

Electronic navigation

Sodes is involved in the second phase of the e-navigation project in the St. Lawrence. This project aims to identify and adapt technologies that will optimize the use of the water column for commercial navigation in the St. Lawrence.


Sodes coordinates the Groupe conseil maritime subcommittee on maintenance dredging of the navigable channel in the St. Lawrence. This committee enables Canadian Coast Guard representatives to inform industry representatives about maintenance dredging activities in the St. Lawrence navigable channel. It’s worth noting that the marine industry is responsible for almost all maintenance dredging costs in the St. Lawrence.

Strategic positioning of the Saint-Laurent

Maritime and logistics infrastructures



Optimizing shipbuilding

Social acceptance and community relations