Louis-Philippe Allard appointed Executive Director of CargoM

CargoM, the Logistics and Transportation Metropolitan Cluster of Montreal, today enthusiastically welcomed Louis-Phillipe Allard to its team as Executive Director. (CNW Group/CargoM)
CargoM, the Logistics and Transportation Metropolitan Cluster of Montreal, today enthusiastically welcomed Louis-Phillipe Allard to its team as Executive Director. (CNW Group/CargoM)

MONTREAL, Nov. 20, 2024 – CargoM, the Logistics and Transportation Metropolitan Cluster of Montreal, today enthusiastically welcomed Louis-Phillipe Allard to its team as Executive Director.

Louis-Philippe brings 20 years of experience in operations management, strategic partnership development and organizing large-scale international events. After holding key roles at the International Economic Forum of the Americas (IEFA) and the organization’s five-city expansion, he joined the team at Finance Montréal, Quebec’s financial cluster, in the spring of 2022 to relaunch the redesigned Fintech Canada Forum, now the country’s largest financial technology event.

“CargoM is a major player in Greater Montreal’s transportation and logistics industry, and I am very pleased to participate in this new adventure with the team that’s already in place. I’m proud to be joining this highly reputed cluster, whose relevance is no longer in question, and I will carry out my new duties with joy and motivation. I’ll be working to maintain and develop the synergy between members, partners and the various levels of government, which is essential for us to achieve our objectives. The transportation and logistics sector is vital to our communities and crucial to the growth of our metropolis. I can’t wait to contribute to its outreach.”

–      Louis-Phillip Allard, Executive Director, CargoM

“On behalf of the Board of Directors and myself, I welcome Mr. Allard. His extensive experience will further the cluster’s mission of bringing our sector together around concerted projects that benefit our industry as a whole. Our supply chain faces many challenges, but these also represent all kinds of opportunities to make it even more fluid, resilient and green. I’m sure that Mr. Allard will carry out his new mandate with flair and will be able to breathe new life into CargoM. I take this opportunity to thank the full-time team for their leadership during the transition. They kept the helm steady and proved to be outstanding. CargoM was in good hands, and Mr. Allard is fortunate to be joining a dynamic and passionate team.”

–      Julie Gascon, President and CEO of the Montreal Port Authority and Chair of CargoM’s Board of Directors

About CargoM

Created in 2012, CargoM (cargo-montreal.ca) brings together Greater Montreal’s logistics and freight transport stakeholders, including educational institutions, exporters and importers, research centre, associations and sectoral committees, around shared objectives and collaborative projects, with the aim of increasing the cohesiveness, competitiveness and outreach of this sector. Of vital importance to the development of Greater Montreal, it represents close to 130,000 jobs, 6,000 businesses and over $8.7 billion annually in economic benefits.

CargoM’s activities received financial assistance from the Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal (CMM), from the Ministère de l’Économie, de l’Innovation et de l’Énergie (MEIE) and from all of its members.


For more information: CargoM, Yves Murray, 514 508-2609, ext. 226, ymurray@cargo-montreal.ca

Marie-France Daoust

Marie-France Daoust is Director of Corporate Affairs at the St.Lawrence Economic Development Council. With more than 15 years’ experience in entrepreneurship, 10 years in strategic management within the Quebec government and 5 years in public and government affairs, she stands out for her leadership and ability to bring people together. In her role, she is responsible for developing business growth strategy, forging strategic partnerships, and mobilizing maritime organizations around today’s major issues.