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22 October

Québec Marine Day 2024

The St.Lawrence Economic Development Council (Sodes) has been organizing Québec marine Day for over 20 years. This day, recognized by decree of the Quebec government since 2002, takes place every fourth Tuesday in October.

The St.Lawrence Economic Development Council (Sodes) has been organizing Québec Marine Day for over 20 years. This day, recognized by decree of the Quebec government since 2002, takes place every fourth Tuesday in October. This year, we’ll be marking the day on October 22, 2024. An exclusive networking event for members of the St.Lawrence Economic Development Council, offering them an opportunity to discuss issues with decision-makers.

Combining this with the new realities of the socio-economic and even climatic context is proving to be a major challenge, requiring close, multi-sectoral collaboration between all the players involved.

Québec Marine Day is a key event of the year, enabling maritime stakeholders to strategically position the industry and share their vision and concerns with government decision-makers.

In conjunction with this activity, and in collaboration with the Institut maritime du Québec and the Comité sectoriel de main-d’œuvre, an introduction to the maritime sector will be offered to primary and secondary school students.

In addition, a public relations campaign to promote the advantages of shipping and the impact of the maritime industry on people’s daily lives will be deployed in national, regional and local media, among others.

An event by and for the maritime sector!

For this edition, the St.Lawrence Economic Development Council can count on the invaluable collaboration of Alliance verte, Les Armateurs du Saint-Laurent and the Comité sectoriel de main-d’œuvre de l’industrie maritime.

We look forward to welcoming you,

More details to come…
