Frequently asked questions

Questions & Answers

We’ve put together a list of the most frequently asked questions and the answers to them.

What is Sodes?

Sodes, a non-profit organization, brings together players in the Quebec maritime sector to explore the economic, environmental and social opportunities of the St. Lawrence corridor. It represents the diversity of public and private stakeholders working in all regions of Quebec and influencing the river’s economy. As the main interlocutor for governments, Sodes deals with issues relating to transport, regional development and the environment. Its goal is to promote the prosperity and sustainability of the St. Lawrence.

What are Sodes' values?
  • Collaboration: Sodes works closely with all the partners in the maritime ecosystem, the various industries and the parties involved.
    government stakeholders.
  • Credibility: Sodes stands out for its know-how, its knowledge of its industry and the expertise it has developed on the issues at stake.
  • Dynamism: Sodes brings dynamism to the maritime industry, whether in member services or special projects.
  • Leadership: Sodes federates the maritime community and succeeds in building consensus and convergent positions on the issues that shape its industry.
What are Sodes' main objectives for the economic development of the St. Lawrence?
  • Increase the influence of the maritime ecosystem by actively participating in the development of government policies.
  • Foster the growth and success of our members by offering them value-added services.
  • Strengthen our expertise through special projects, contributing to advancement and innovation in the marine sector.
How does Sodes contribute to the protection and preservation of ecosystems and the environment?
  • Promoting sustainable practices: Sodes encourages the adoption of environmentally-friendly practices in the marine industry, such as reducing emissions, managing waste and preserving natural resources.
  • Collaboration with stakeholders: In partnership with key players in the maritime sector, Sodes develops and promotes environmental initiatives such as awareness programs, research projects and eco-friendly technologies.
  • Awareness-raising and education: Sodes organizes activities to inform and educate members of the maritime community about environmental issues and best practices for protecting the marine environment.
    marine ecosystems. She also participates in committees and discussion groups on these issues.
  • Financing of research projects on (cited examples: underwater noise, decarbonation plan…)
What are the challenges facing the marine industry?
  • Strategic positioning of the Saint-Laurent
  • Underinvestment in maritime and logistics infrastructure o Environment, energy transition and decarbonization
  • Workforce and succession
  • Developing a shipbuilding value chain
  • Social acceptance and community support
Why become a Sodes member?
  • Membership of Sodes gives you access to a privileged network of companies, organizations and institutions linked to the St. Lawrence and Saguenay regions.
  • You’ll receive a daily media watch to keep you up to date on relevant news topics.
  • Every month, you’ll have access to a global strategic watch on major trends in decarbonization and ESG principles.
  • Take advantage of reduced rates at exclusive events such as the Assises québécoises du secteur maritime.
  • With a diverse membership, Sodes offers an inclusive representation of the maritime community.
  • Your membership of Sodes gives you the opportunity to make your voice heard within this community, and to contribute to its recognition and development.
What is the shipping state?
  • The report is the fruit of collaboration between various players in the maritime sector, Innovation maritime, the Société de développement économique du Saint-Laurent and with financial support from the Ministère des Transports et de la Mobilité durable du Québec and Novarium.
  • To raise awareness and provide information for all those interested in Quebec’s maritime sector.
  • The report provides detailed data on the , enabling an in-depth understanding of the sector and its economic implications.
  • Continuous improvement of data thanks to the collaboration of organizations and the development of more precise tools, and thanks to the Marine Information System.
What is the Marine Information System Bulletin?
  • The SIM is a collaborative project involving several partners, including Innovation maritime and Sodes, as well as various entities
    government and maritime agencies.
  • Its aim is to provide a centralized online system for collecting, processing and sharing information crucial to the maritime sector.
  • Overseen by the Forum de concertation sur le transport maritime, SIM benefits from the contribution of its partners, who share their knowledge and experience.
    data and expertise.
  • Evolutive, the SIM is constantly enhanced and enriched with new data over time.
  • It takes the form of a web portal offering easy access to various shipping statistics.
What is the Assises québécoises du secteur maritime?
  • The Assises québécoises du secteur maritime, organized by Sodes, is a major event in the Quebec economy, bringing together key players in the field.
  • They provide a platform for collaboration and exchange between decision-makers, industrial partners, experts and maritime players.
  • The main objective is to create a space for dialogue on the issues, challenges and opportunities facing Quebec’s maritime sector.
  • For several years now, the Assises have been helping to mobilize and consolidate knowledge and perspectives for the industry.
What is Québec Maritime Day?
  • Québec Maritime Day has been officially recognized by government decree since 2002.
  • It takes place every fourth Tuesday in October.
  • This event is exclusively reserved for Sodes members.
  • It provides a unique opportunity for networking and dialogue with key players in the maritime sector.
  • Quebec Maritime Day continues the next day in Ottawa.

Any other questions?

If you have any further questions or require more information, please do not hesitate to contact us. We’re here to help!