Resounding success for the 4th Assises québécoises du secteur maritime

QUÉBEC CITY, May 17, 2024 – The 4th edition of the Assises québécoises du secteur maritime was held on May 14 and 15. Organized by the Société de développement économique du Saint-Laurent (Sodes), the event attracted over 300 participants.

This year’s event was marked by the exceptional presence of Mr. Édouard Philippe, former Prime Minister of France, Mayor of Le Havre and President of the International Association of Cities and Ports (AIVP), as keynote speaker. During his speech, he highlighted his experience and expertise in the development of cities and ports through issues such as climate change, decarbonization and community relations.

For the third year running, Assises unveiled the State of Maritime Transport in Quebec 2023. Analysis of the available data confirmed that 2023 was a record year in terms of tonnage handled on the St. Lawrence, with over 156.01 million tonnes.

Discussions focused on strengthening the strategic positioning of the St. Lawrence and Great Lakes, innovation in social acceptability and community relations, the importance of data sharing between maritime organizations, the development of shipyards through construction, the importance of data sharing between maritime organizations, the development of shipyards through shipbuilding, repair and dismantling, the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion in the maritime sector, and the decarbonization of maritime and port activities, fueled the reflections of participants from Quebec, Ontario, the United States, Europe and Australia.

Mathieu St-Pierre, President and CEO of Sodes, underscored the importance of this event, declaring that “Les Assises québécoises du secteur maritime embodies our commitment, as an industry, to promoting innovation, collaboration and sustainability within our industry. It’s a privileged moment to take a break, strengthen our ties and explore new opportunities alongside various government initiatives, including the renewal of the next action plan stemming from Advantage St. Lawrence.”

Finally, in addition to the discussions and studies presented, the 2024 edition of the Assises saw the signing by the City of Québec of the 2030 agreement of the International Association of Cities and Ports, the creation of the Centre d’expertise en logistique portuaire, and the granting of $4.4 million for the development of essential training courses for the maritime industry.

About Sodes

The Société de développement économique du Saint-Laurent (Sodes) is a non-profit organization whose mandate is to unite the stakeholders in Quebec’s maritime ecosystem around the economic, environmental and social opportunities offered by the St. Lawrence corridor. It represents the maritime community, including private and public stakeholders whose activities have a direct or indirect impact on the river economy, in all regions of Quebec.

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For information and interviews: 

Milla Mormul-Dubois 

Advisor, Corporate Communications 

418 648-4572, ext. 104