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15 May

Workshop: Make a commitment to decarbonization

The new Community of Practice on Sustainable Transportation and Mobility will hold its first event in conjunction with the Société de développement économique du Saint-Laurent’s Assises québécoises du secteur maritime.

The new Community of Practice on Sustainable Transportation and Mobility will hold its first event in conjunction with the Société de développement économique du Saint-Laurent’s Assises québécoises du secteur maritime.

On the agenda: a roadmap aligned with the maritime community’s objectives for implementing the Action Plan to Decarbonize the Maritime Industry.
Join Pesca, in collaboration with KPMG in Quebec and Dunsky Energy + Climate, for a discussion with community members on best practices in sustainable shipping.


Places are limited, so register early!

Event link: https://www.rqm.quebec/activites/engagez-vous-pour-la-decarbonation/

Organized by:
Réseau Québec maritime – RQM

La Maison Rioux & Pettigrew

160 Rue Saint-Paul
Québec, Québec G1K 3W1 Canada