
In Quebec, the maritime workforce is an essential pillar of the industry, contributing to the province’s economic prosperity. Comprising a diversity of trades, from port operations to navigation, this skilled workforce ensures the smooth running of maritime activities. Ongoing training programs and recruitment initiatives aim to maintain and develop the skills required to meet the sector’s evolving needs, thus ensuring its sustainability and competitiveness.

Navigational officer driving the ship on the river. Wide shot.

Working group on the impact of covid-19 on shipping

The St.Lawrence Economic Development Council is actively involved in the Working Group on the impact of COVID-19 on marine transportation. Working closely with industry players, the primary objective is to assess the impact of the pandemic on the maritime industry. This commitment goes beyond an analysis of the challenges facing the shipping industry, to include a focus on workforce issues.

The pandemic has significantly disrupted labor availability, working conditions and worker safety in the maritime sector. The working group is therefore proposing innovative solutions to mitigate these impacts, while ensuring the health, safety and well-being of workers, thus guaranteeing the continuity of maritime operations.

Maritime Industry Career Promotion Committee

The St.Lawrence Economic Development Council participates in the Comité de promotion des carrières de l’industrie maritime, where it contributes to the creation and implementation of initiatives aimed at promoting careers in this sector. The main aim of the event is to raise awareness among young people and potential workers of career opportunities in the maritime industry, by highlighting the various trades, training courses and career development prospects available. Working with other players in the sector, Sodes strives to meet the need for qualified workers and to stimulate interest in the maritime professions, thereby helping to strengthen the human capital of the Quebec maritime industry.

Strategic positioning of the Saint-Laurent

Maritime and logistics infrastructures



Optimizing shipbuilding

Social acceptance and community relations