Madeleine Paquin, Logistec received the CEO of the Year

Logo_LogistecThe businesswoman Madeleine Paquin, Logistec, just received the CEO of the Year award in the category “Medium enterprise” by Les Affaires. The company she heads operates 43 terminals in29 ports a bit throughout North America, in addition to diversify into environmental services (siterestoration of regulated materials management, water mains rehabilitation), few Quebeckers know her.


Sodes like to congratulate and thank her for her involvement in the maritime environment.

Log sample below Affairs. For complete details and other récipendaires click the following link:–il-faut-les-identifier-et-aller-les-chercher/574571



Photo officielle Sylvie Vachon


Sylvie Vachon, President and CEO of the Port of Montreal

“Madeleine Paquin is a very respected in our industry, says. In addition to his business, it contributes to the success of the entire sector. “The two women have collaborated on the development of Cargo M, logistics and transport cluster Montreal in 2012.” I knew it was going walk because she was there, says Ms. Vachon. This is a person that moves the files. ”



Photo Nicole 2014


Nicole Trépanier, President Sodes

“She comes to meetings prepared and understands the ins and outs.” Very involved, she does not hesitate, however, to delegate an employee if it considers not to be able to contribute fully. “She is a woman of commitment, responsible and dedicated.”