Activities of the Quebec Marine Day 2021

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Calender of conference**

Conference in Rimouski : Projet Mars

Conference in Québec : Gaston Déry

Activities for children (in school)

The Marine Industry, a whole world to discover!

In hope to raise awareness to the marine industry and how it has an impact in all of our daily life, we offer activities to teacher in Quebec that will help explore the posibility during the class of ethic and religious cultures. The activity is available to pre-k to high schollers.

On the 26th of October, in collaboration with SODES ans The Sectorial Committee (CSMOIM). The team of the Institution of maritime of Quebec will animate virtual activities to demistify jobs in the industry.

Here is the link to apply for an activity and receive the material for your class before the 26.

By participating in the day, you will be eligible to the contest and maybe win one of the many prices.

  • Schools need a good internet connection, an interactif board or Tablet/celle phone to participate during the interactive activites.


** All activities are available only in French







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