COVID-19: Serving you well remains our priority

The situation we are currently experiencing raises brand-new challenges every day. Your ability to adapt, your dedication and your effectiveness make our industry stand out in these times of crisis.

As indicated in our recent communications, we are working on:

  • Monitoring economic impacts;
  • Maintaining constant contact with the members to adequately meet their needs and respond to their concerns during this exceptional situation;
  • Identifying, and recommending to governments, financial and economic measures to support marine industry companies and employees;
  • Preparing a communications and marketing actions plan in order to be ready when activities start up again so as to promote the Québec marine industry and heighten its visibility.

In this context, the Ministère des Transports du Québec’s Department of Maritime and Air Transport and the Government of Canada would like to know the concrete impacts this crisis may have on your organization’s daily operations. The information gathered will be used to fuel their deliberations and to be ready to relaunch the Québec and Canadian economies as soon as this exceptional situation is over.

Consequently, in partnership with them, we would ask you to collaborate by sharing the following information with us:

  1. What impacts (economic, financial, human resources, operations) does your organization face?
  2. Have you implemented exceptional measures to ensure the continuity of your operations?
  3. Do you have infrastructure projects that are ready to be carried out as soon as this crisis if over or that would begin soon after if government assistance were considered?

Your contribution will enhance government deliberations and will certainly help adapt the various measures that the governments might implement to better support you in the context of this crisis and for the upcoming launching of the Québec government’s new maritime vision.

To properly compile the information submitted, we would invite you to answer the above-mentioned three questions in writing to

Thank you for your valuable collaboration.


Mathieu St-Pierre
St. Lawrence Economic Development Council (SODES)