SODES presents its activity report

The St. Lawrence Economic Development Council (SODES) released its 2016 activity report this morning at the Annual General Meeting held at Auberge Godefroy in Bécancour.

Among the highlights of SODES’ activities in 2016 were:

  • Developing the 2017-2019 strategic plan
  • Creating the Marine Information System (MIS) in collaboration with Innovation maritime
  • Winning the distinction “Coup de cœur du jury d’honneur” awarded at the Association québécoise des transports (AQTr) Grands prix d’excellence en transport gala for the marine industry promotional campaign Brought to you by ship – My River, my provider!
  • Starting the grand tour of SODES members

Read the activity report

Marie-France Daoust

Marie-France Daoust is Director of Corporate Affairs at the Société de développement économique du Saint-Laurent (Sodes). With more than 15 years’ experience in entrepreneurship, 10 years in strategic management within the Quebec government and 5 years in public and government affairs, she stands out for her leadership and ability to bring people together. In her role, she is responsible for developing business growth strategy, forging strategic partnerships, and mobilizing maritime organizations around today’s major issues.