Report on Phase 1 of the Brought to you by ship campaign

In fall 2013, the St. Lawrence Economic Development Council (SODES) mandated the firm Léger to conduct a survey on Quebeckers’ perception of the marine industry. The survey results showed that the general public knows very little about the marine sector, a fact that generates a negative perception with regard to certain aspects, including the environment and shipping’s safety and security.

In the wake of this survey, the marine industry promotional campaign Brought to you by ship – My river, my provider! was launched in October 2014. Funded entirely by SODES member organizations, the campaign was planned over a three-year horizon. Campaign Phase 1 ended in late 2016, following which the Léger survey was repeated to assess changes in Quebeckers’ perception of the marine industry and measure the repercussions of the campaign Brought to you by ship – My river, my provider!. Overall, the results show increased knowledge and a more positive perception of the industry. With its specific focus and a relatively modest budget, the promotional campaign was well received by its target audiences.

SODES invites you to consult its report on Phase 1 of the marine industry promotional campaign for information on the projects carried out from October 1, 2014 to June 30, 2017. We also invite our members to contact SODES management to let us know whether they wish to participate financially in Phase 2 of the campaign. Your commitment will enable us to make our activity sector and its importance in Quebeckers’ everyday lives even better known.

Download the report

Marie-France Daoust

Marie-France Daoust is Director of Corporate Affairs at the Société de développement économique du Saint-Laurent (Sodes). With more than 15 years’ experience in entrepreneurship, 10 years in strategic management within the Quebec government and 5 years in public and government affairs, she stands out for her leadership and ability to bring people together. In her role, she is responsible for developing business growth strategy, forging strategic partnerships, and mobilizing maritime organizations around today’s major issues.