
Present since 1985

Sodes Foundation
Sodes was founded in 1985 by geographer Hugues Morissette to spearhead the development of Quebec's maritime community. The first president of Sodes was Jacques Auger. Over the years, Sodes has established itself as a leader in bringing together all the economic players connected with the St. Lawrence.
Quebec government's marine and river transportation policy
Mr. Morissette and Sodes played a crucial role in the development of the Quebec government's first Marine and River Transportation Policy, published in 2001. The same year saw the creation of the Forum de concertation sur le transport maritime, which met for the first time. This consultative body, which brings together Quebec's maritime industry and the Quebec government, has been set up to ensure the effective, concerted implementation of the various measures proposed in the Marine and River Transportation Policy. Since its inception, the Forum has been co-chaired by the Chairman of Sodes and the Quebec Minister of Transport.
Campaign to promote the St. Lawrence maritime industry
In 2005, the campaign to promote the maritime industry of the St. Lawrence, financed in collaboration with the Ministère des Transports du Québec, was launched.
Creation of Alliance verte
In 2007, Sodes took part in the creation of Alliance verte, an environmental certification program designed by and for the marine industry. Initially focused on the St. Lawrence and Great Lakes region, the program is now expanding across North America.
St. Lawrence─Grands Lacs Trade Corridor Study
Another of Sodes' major projects was the coordination of the St. Lawrence─Great Lakes Trade Corridor study in 2008. The study highlighted major trends in freight transport, identified obstacles and put forward solutions to overcome them.
30 years old
In 2015, Sodes celebrated its 30th anniversary. It continues to bring together and mobilize stakeholders from different backgrounds who are concerned by the economic development of the St. Lawrence.
35 years old
In 2020, the Société de développement économique du Saint-Laurent (Sodes) celebrated its 35th anniversary. The year 2020 will have recognized the essential and strategic role of the maritime industry. Unfortunately, this recognition came in the context of a worldwide pandemic.