Launch of the Center of Expertise in Port Logistics

Québec City, May 14, 2024 – The Centre d’expertise en logistique portuaire took advantage of the 4th Assises québécoises du secteur maritime to announce its creation, introduce its Board of Directors, its members and its Executive Director. Bringing together the major leaders in the port sector, the Center’s mission is to carry out applied research projects for this Quebec industry, and thus develop competitive, intelligent and sustainable logistics chains. The resulting improvement in supply chain efficiency will benefit the maritime and port industries, the research community and Quebec as a whole.

A significant part of the Canadian and Quebec economies is the result of trade passing through the St. Lawrence and Saguenay ports, and the ability of any one of these ports to support global trade depends on the competitiveness of the network as a whole. “To remain competitive and stand out on a global scale, ports will have to overcome challenges that require collective efforts in research and innovation, and the pooling of expertise and resources. The Centre d’expertise was set up with this in mind, and because no other organization had yet taken on the exclusive mission of responding to port development issues,” explains Gaétan Boivin, Chairman of the Board of Directors.

Vicky Adam, General Manager

Mr. Boivin also took the opportunity to introduce the Centre’s General Manager, Vicky Adam, who was recently appointed by the Board of Directors. “Following a rigorous recruitment process, the selection committee has recommended the appointment of Dr. Adam to head the Centre. With a master’s degree in management sciences and a doctorate in administration, Ms. Adam joins the Centre after several years of experience in naval architecture and design, as well as in research and management of port projects.

“It is with great honor and rigor that I will assume the role of General Manager of the Centre, which has been entrusted to me. Quebec’s port sector is rich, and the already strong affiliation of its members bears witness to the desire of these players to federate their efforts to meet the port logistics challenges of the St. Lawrence – Saguenay system through the development of adapted solutions and expertise,” emphasizes Vicky Adam.

Bringing together the Quebec port ecosystem to deploy solutions and expertise
Already, the Centre has over 20 members representing ports, terminal operators, the research community and organizations involved in the port industry. The involvement of this dynamic ecosystem, whether through financial support or by opening up access to their infrastructures, equipment, workers and experts, helps guide the Center’s programming aimed at developing or testing solutions aligned with their needs. The interface thus created between the ports, the scientific community and all other organizations will contribute to the adoption of a culture of innovation throughout the St. Lawrence – Saguenay region.


Source : Vicky Adam
General Manager
Center of expertise in port logistics
Telephone: (819) 996-1064